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Hattie Bryant, author, teacher, speaker and producer of a PBS series, learned that Big Medicine is not our friend while engaged in a battle to spare her mother unnecessary suffering.


​Use her tool for yourself and everyone you love. Choose the faith-neutral approach with workbook or the Bible study for Christians.  

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Where soulcare meets healthcare


The truth about ourselves and the limitations of modern medicine.

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I'm Hattie Bryant. In 2010, I turned 60 and I remember saying to myself, “I have lived more years than I have left. Who is going to do for me what I did for my mom? Who will ask the hard questions?"

My Story

I began my professional career.
I've made my living as an adult educator.  I taught customer service, sales and leadership inside of companies and on convention platforms in 47 states. 
My husband and I began production of the television series, Small Business School.
With funding from IBM, Dun & Bradstreet, Verizon, Microsoft, Thomson Learning, Mass Mutual and Travelers, we filmed in 34 states and 150 cities to create more than 300 half-hour episodes that reached into most U.S. homes via some 250 PBS member stations. The show also aired around the world through over 1000 affiliates of the Voice of America-TV. The program aired until 2012.
I was given the Award of Excellence from the White House.
The award recognizes my success in bringing the story of small business to television. Content from the show was edited into video companions for fifty college textbooks and an online one-of-a-kind learning tool at
My journey with "I'll Have It My Way" begins.
I begin work on the faith-neutral version of the book.
"I'll Have It My Way" is published.
immediately begin thinking about and working on "I'll Have It God's Way".

Why did the doctors do what they did and why do they keep doing what they do? What’s the difference between medical well-being and physical well-being? Finally, what, if anything, does my belief in Jesus Christ have to do with the choices I make while I am still healthy and when my health fails? 


Finding the answers to these questions for myself led me to national meetings of physicians, nurses and social workers. It led me back to school, where I studied at the University of Southern California graduate program in Gerontology.


After five years of study and at the counsel of physicians and nurses who mentored me, I wrote the faith-neutral book I’ll Have It My Way so that so it could be used in their offices and hospitals. I subsequently produced a lecture based on I’ll Have It My Way that airs on public television stations. I'll Have It God's Way is for Christians, many who face the same fears, questions and suffering as those without faith. I pray this study will deepen your faith in the promises of our great God as you look forward to your forever with him.

  Who should use these tools?
  • Anyone over 65 

  • Adult children of the elderly 

  • Family caregivers of the seriously ill or frail


My | Golden | Rules

A 501(c)(3) public charity formed by Hattie and her husband, Bruce Camber, for the purpose of creating educational materials for healthcare organizations and churches. 


Too much death by default happens in the ICU

Death by default in the ICU is for those who won't think or talk to loved ones about how they want the end of their lives to unfold.

Download class materials:
My Gift to My Circle of Care

Hattie's Directive in Essay Form

Dementia Provision

Class Slides Session One
Class Slides Session Two 
Class Slides Session Three
Class Slides Session Four
Class Slides Session Five
Class Slides Session Six




it tends to make you miserable.

Richard Rohr, 

from his book Falling Upward

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